General Info
I Am Here For: |
For a New Experience, To Explore My Sexuality, To Meet People, To scape |
Marital Status: |
Single |
Children: |
Eventually |
Education: |
In College |
Religion: |
Christian |
Smoke: |
No |
Drink: |
Yes |
Occupation: |
Teacher |
Body Type: |
N/A |
Height: |
N/A |
Ethnicity: |
Latino / Hispanic |
Languages: |
French, English, Spanish |
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: |
Virtual Relationship, Cyber Sex, Social Encounters, Just Looking, Cyber Friendships |
Sexual Fantasies: |
Domination, Sadism & Masochism, Massage Oil, A Public Place |
Sex is Best: |
Passionate, Loving, Experimental, Wild, Kinky |
Cybersex: |
N/A |
I Want You To: |
Play Along With My Fantasy, Tell Me You Love Me, Make Me Do It, Teach Me New Tricks |
Cybersex Personality: |
Amateur |
My Web Gifts
A gift from uname
Social Status
Popularity: | 0 |
Karma: | 0 |
Sexiness: | 0 |
Friendliness: | 0 |
CristinaSanabria's Scoop
About me:
Quiero conocer, aprender y olvidar. Quiero subir hasta la cabeza algodonada de una nube y saltar. Quiero cavar dos pequeñas tumbas para mis pies y echar raices en un mundo sin espinas. Algo está mal ahí afuera, en el mundo real. Las personas están obsesionadas con su propia pequeñez, con su propia sombra. No quiero esas falsas certezas, quiero despertar un día, abrir el armario de mi misma, y no saber qué ponerme. Quiero despertar un día y descubrir que caigo por el agujero del conejo.
I want to know, to learn, to forget. I want to climb a cottony cloud and jump. I want to dig two small graves for my feet and put down roots in a world without thorns. Something is wrong out there, in the real world. People are obsessed with their own smallness, whit their own shadow. I don´t want those false certainties, I wanna wake up one day, open the cabinet of myself, being not sure what to wear. I want to wake up one day and find out that I´m falling through the rabbit hole.
Who I'd like to meet:
People whit soul.
More About CristinaSanabria
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