General Info
I Am Here For: |
For a New Experience |
Marital Status: |
N/A |
Children: |
N/A |
Education: |
N/A |
Religion: |
N/A |
Smoke: |
N/A |
Drink: |
N/A |
Occupation: |
Welder |
Body Type: |
Average |
Height: |
5' 10" |
Ethnicity: |
White / Caucasian |
Languages: |
English |
 Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: |
N/A |
Sexual Fantasies: |
N/A |
Sex is Best: |
N/A |
Cybersex: |
N/A |
I Want You To: |
N/A |
Cybersex Personality: |
N/A |
 My Web Gifts
A gift from uname
 PRES_BullDog_BMC's Scoop
About me:
Respect is earned. As a person behaves and shows respect and character they can earn respect from others. Do not think that people are not watching, that they are not paying attention because they are. They may not say anything to you personally but if you’re being respectful, they will notice. If you are being disrespectful, that also they will notice.
Make sure your walk matches your talk. Anyone can talk the talk but few walk the walk.
Respect is also something you can lose in a heartbeat. If you lie, even once you will lose all and any respect and will never be trusted by them again.
Character will determine and guide you in respect. Lack of Character will also show you for who you really are. You can fake it for a time but time will always show who you really are inside.
People of character do the right thing even if no one else does, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world. The true test of Character is who you are when you are alone.
Personality is Who we are and what we do when everybody is watching. Character is Who we are and what we do when nobody is watching.
Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have—life itself.

Go tell the Spartans, you who've read,
We took their orders, and are dead.
Those words, freely translated from the ancient Greek, long marked the battlefield of Thermopylae. In 480 B.C., about 700 Greeks -- led by the Spartans, the best professional soldiers of the age -- held the narrow mountain pass against more than 100,000 troops of the Persian Empire, the Middle Eastern superpower of the day. It was a suicide mission: The Spartans stood their ground and died there, every last man. But their desperate rearguard action bought the rest of Greece the time to rally and, ultimately, to repel the invaders. In the process, the soldiers preserved from Persian despotism not only Greek independence but also a peculiar Greek idea -- one the Spartans themselves were not too keen on -- called democracy.
The number of American troops killed so far in Iraq and supporting operations -- 801 as of this writing -- is almost the same as the number of Greeks killed at Thermopylae. But the rest of the situation is almost perfectly reversed. After 25 centuries, the seed of democracy, transplanted far across the sea, has grown into an empire itself. And now that democratic superpower has sent more than 100,000 troops -- the best professional soldiers of the age -- to invade the Mesopotamian heartland of the ancient Persian Empire, with the paradoxical purpose of imposing by force the freedom that land has never known. Just as in the days after the 700 Greeks fell at Thermopylae, the battle has been joined but the outcome hardly decided. The dying is not over yet.
But on the eve of Memorial Day, with the hand-over of some form of sovereignty to the Iraqis scheduled for the 30th of June, it is an appropriate moment to take pause and count the price. Add to the toll in Iraq the 122 U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan and in supporting anti-terrorism operations around the world -- in short, all the deaths that the military officially counts as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom -- and the total is now 923.
In the scales of history, a thousand bodies are almost too light to measure. Even a young and relatively unbloodied country such as the United States has borne heavier burdens, and for longer. More American troops died every month at the height of the Vietnam War in 1968. More American troops died in one day at the start of the Normandy invasion in World War II. More American civilians died in minutes on September 11, 2001, in either tower of the World Trade Center.
But on a human scale, a thousand dead are almost beyond imagining. Some concrete comparisons might help. It is as if every male student (plus two dozen women) at some smallish liberal arts college had been wiped out. If the dead from this war could somehow return, if they were guests at the next State of the Union address, every senator and representative in Congress would have to yield his or her seat on the floor of the House chamber to an Army soldier killed in the Middle East. Soldiers slain elsewhere, plus all the Marines, airmen, and sailors, would overflow onto the balcony. If the dead could attend a White House reception, if they passed through the receiving line at a brisk clip of about three seconds per person -- handshake; hello; thank you; next, please -- the president would be shaking their hands for roughly 45 minutes, nonstop.
Then there are the living left behind. The vast majority of the troops killed so far in the "global war on terror," as the Pentagon calls it, were young enough to be survived by both their parents. About half of the dead were married. They leave more than 580 children.
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Who I'd like to meet:
***ABOUT ME***
I am brutally honest. I say what I think and mean what I say. Because of this, I am slow to speak and choose my words carefully. I believe that discretion is the better part of valor.
I am honest with my dealings with my club and my friends outside of the club. In RLC I will be the same way.
I do not have any other Avatars, other accounts, or ALTs. I do NOT ever ghost in-world. If I am in-world you can see me. If you don't see me, I am not there.
My RL Club comes first and if you are familiar with RL MCs and especially the 1% MC's then you understand. If you're not familiar then you probably won't understand.
I can be rude, crude, and socially unacceptable at times but if you are easily offended then just delete me, iggy me, or don't interact with me. Save us both some drama.
I like to have fun, joke around and love titties
I am totally honest about what roles a man plays in life, sex, and in a club. I don't expect real-life MC's to translate well to RLC, but then again, its RLC. I do expect somethings to translate over, like respect, loyalty, honesty, and dedication to the club.
I love bikes. Mostly Harley's, Choppers, and Customs. I ride all year. I am old school in my ways. I abide in the Biker Code because it's the only code that works all the time, every time, no matter the circumstances.
I am passionate about what I believe and who I believe in. I try not to react with emotion but sometimes that isn't possible. I am quick to forgive and quick to ask for forgiveness. I don't hold anything in. Once it comes out I deal with it and then it's gone and I move on.
I have a low tolerance for fools and rudeness. RESPECT IS EVERYTHING.
I ride in RL MC but if you can't figure it out from my profile you are just too dumb and don't matter anyway. It's just not anyone's business about my RL life. I will freely share what I wish with those who ask.
I am a second-generation biker in this MC. My Dad was patched in and my mom was his OL. I grew up in the biker world and absolutely love it.

I don't like games and want people to just be themselves and be honest about what you say and keep your word. I know, in RLC, that is asking a lot but it is expected in my world.
 More About PRES_BullDog_BMC
My Other Profile/Website Links:
I have to be honest. This wasn't my first RLC account. I was in RLC before but I had little patience for the idiots in RLC and RL was keeping me busy. On top of that, I lost my dad to a shoot out with hells angels so I closed it down for a couple of years. When I came back I didn't reinvent myself like some do but just started over as I was before.
What is a Outlaw MC 1%er Today
Written by Vulture 1%er
If you read the papers or listen to the news, the media and law enforcement agents have redefined the term "1%er".
As we all know the term was first used in the 60’s to describe some of the people that attended the motorcycle events back then. The AMA (American Motorcycle Association) stated that 99% of the people at their events were god fearing and family oriented. The other 1%er were hard riding, hard partying, non mainstream type people. Thus the term 1%er was born. Some of the early bikers embraced the term and decided to call themselves 1%ers.
It did not mean that they were law breakers or low life individuals. They were simply men that rode their motorcycles seven days a week in all kinds of weather, liked to drink and raise a little hell. Sometime during the 80’s law enforcement changed the meaning of the 1%er to what they wanted it to represent. It didn’t matter that their meaning was incorrect, they just spoon fed it to the general public and the courts as they had so many other things.
The Outlaws Motorcycle Club is rich in history and tradition. One of those traditions is the wearing of a 1%er patch on our vests and referring to ourselves as a 1%er club. The 1%er definition as we see it is one that explains our commitment to Biking and Brotherhood. We ride our motorcycles every day rain or shine. We ride thousands of miles each year with our Brothers to attend parties, social events, funerals and just plain spending time together. We work, have families and do all the things that our neighbors do. In addition to that we belong to a Brotherhood that we are able to combine with our day to day lives.
To say that 1%er’s are criminals or people of a lesser moral code than the rest of society is a tainted opinion. The Outlaws Motorcycle Club is not a criminal organization. It is a motorcycle club. We have learned from the mistakes in our past and have worked quite hard to make our club a leader in the efforts of many clubs and bikers to insure that the 1%er lifestyle will continue to grow and stay a part of tradition for the coming generations of those bikers that have the same commitment to Biking and Brotherhood that the past and present 1%er’s have left to them.
We may not live by the rules of society, but we do live by it’s laws.
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