General Info
I Am Here For: |
For a New Experience, To Meet People |
Marital Status: |
Single |
Children: |
Eventually |
Education: |
High School |
Religion: |
Other |
Smoke: |
Yes |
Drink: |
Yes |
Occupation: |
cheif/culinary arts |
Body Type: |
Full Figured |
Height: |
5' 1" |
Ethnicity: |
Black / African Descent |
Languages: |
English |
 Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: |
Virtual Relationship, Cyber Sex, Social Encounters, Just Looking, Real Life Relationship, Erotic Chat, Cyber Friendships |
Sexual Fantasies: |
Cross-Dressing, A Virgin, Fetishes, Swapping, Domination, Bondage, A Beach, Costumes, Toys, Multiple People, Sadism & Masochism, Massage Oil, A Public Place, Exhibition & Voyeurism |
Sex is Best: |
Casual, Passionate, Loving, Experimental, With a Stranger, Wild, Kinky, In a Relationship |
Cybersex: |
N/A |
I Want You To: |
Play Along With My Fantasy, Talk Dirty to Me, Make Me Do It, Teach Me New Tricks, Tell Me Your Fantasy |
Cybersex Personality: |
Amateur, Seductress/Seductor, Experienced, Submissive, Loving, Passionate, Innocent, Dominating, Voyeur, The More The Merrier, Fun With Toys, Virgin, Nasty, Adventurous, Kinky, Aggressive, Passive, Wild, Role Player, Exhibitionist |
 My Web Gifts
A gift from uname
 2fine4ya21_kam3's Scoop
About me:
I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net, check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics
XOXO hEy WaSSUP IT B dA grL bNiX Nd I aM An OutGoIng peRsOn WhO iZ noT boUt dA bULlsHyt soO If DaS u PlZ dOnt HYt Ma PagE oN no DumB sHyt i luV mA hAttEr's Dey CoMpleTe miI sOo u Kno I haD 2 ShOw dEM suM lub On dA paGe!!1!!!! I meAn HaTteRs OnlI makE mI suTtin Dere not Nd If i WerE u I'd B jEloUse Of mIi to0 lOlZ But aNy waY .... I Like 2 haVe FuNn nD jus liVe ma LifE 2 da FullESt iF u Kno WuT i meaN wEll I duNn0 wuT elSe 2 Say so unTiLl nOw I wiLL hoLLa aT cHa aNotHa tYmE wIt suTtiN nEw iiGh kEep yA hEadZ Up CuZ if U doNt Sum HattEr Iz gOnNa CuM bY nD sCo0p Ya sHyt l0Lz i Luv mA lyFe dA waY iT is Nd IF u AsK mii It cAnt GeT no bEtTa So I WilL teLl U moRe a LiL lAttA bUt unTIlL den B bReZzy Nd iM oUtTy TwO ThoUtTy For thOsE who KnoW's Wut DaT mEaNs LolZ ***DuCeZ***
Who I'd like to meet:
“Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of them all is love.”
 More About 2fine4ya21_kam3
My Other Profile/Website Links:
aim+ way2fine4ya1 if u want my myspace jus ask 4 it nd i will give it 2 ya
errthing that catches my eye
My Favorite Websites:
all dat is fun nd exciting
rap r&b nd reggae of course lolz