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fem_FNA's Profile
Love is the absence of judgment (Dalai Lama XIV)
37 years old 
City N/A, State N/A 
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fem_FNA Just is.
Last Profile Login: 6/10/2015
Last World Login: 1/31/2015
Member Since: 7/19/2013
General Info
I Am Here For: To Meet People
Marital Status: Single
Children: Love them, but do not want any of my own
Education: Post Grad
Religion: Spiritual, but not Religious
Smoke: No
Drink: No
Occupation: N/A
Body Type: Slim / Slender
Height: 5' 10"
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Languages: English
Sexy Stuff
I Am Looking For: Cyber Friendships
Sexual Fantasies: N/A
Sex is Best: N/A
Cybersex: N/A
I Want You To: N/A
Cybersex Personality: N/A
My Web Gifts

A gift from uname

Sent 12/12/2012
fem_FNA's Scoop
About me:
I originally tried to get into Second Life but for some reason, probably security settings or something, i could not install it. RLC was a second choice and i was initially a little put of by the emphasis placed on sex in the marketing. However, once I got here I went mental and did all sorts of things and experimented with just about everything. It was amazing and I had a few relationships and one significant and very intense relationship which was ultimately unsustainable. I have met some really lovely people here who I love dearly, they are like family and I so much enjoy spending time with them and I can't really see myself getting involved in any sort of sexual relationship in RLC again. In fact I feel very awkward even when close dancing with anyone and avoid it unless its to comfort a close friend. I love my zabys especially 'Floating Islands' and 'Relax Align Harmonise' which lily and pinky from Pink Geisha Deco made for me. In real life i have a very demanding, very stressful job which i love heaps but it sometimes takes its toll on me and because of this i like living simply. I do yoga and meditation and try to eat healthily and get plenty of exercise. It took me a while to find a balance between rlc and rl but I think I am getting there. It was so easy to get sucked into rlc and miss sleep and proper meals when I first started. In rl I just love riding my bike everywhere and feel comfortable riding on the road. The excitement of dodging traffic and silly drivers is quite exhilarating. I love travel and have come back to Australia after spending several years working and travelling in Asia and Europe. I love visiting exotic locations and experiencing different cultures. I pretty much backpack everywhere although I’ve had to settle a little back in Australia for work commitments at the moment but right now I'm writing this on Haad Rin beach on Koh Phangan in Thailand. Heehee In RLC the thing I like doing the most is going to a club playing good music like Club Excess or Club DMC with people there I know and running around mental in micro. I just love micro and the stuff it allows me to get away with. Heehee. I live just about my whole existence in RLC as micro now and can't imagine going back to normal size heehee. I am a member of FNA and love my sisters there heaps. We are a very layed back and fun loving family.
Who I'd like to meet:
I like meeting new people and forming friendships. I have some great friends in rlc who I love dearly and they are like family. I love spending time with my friends in rlc and have a lot of fun. I'm not interested in forming any sort of relationship other than friendships. I don't have sex with anyone in rlc any more and don't see this changing. I don't even close dance with anyone except friends when they are upset and need comforting.
More About fem_FNA
My Other Profile/Website Links:
I'm interested in yoga and meditation, travel, cycling, diving most outdoor pursuits, food, the weather lol (if you meet me I will ask you what your weather is like lol). I've always had a keen interest in nature and love the outdoors in all its forms whether sunny warm cold hot miserably wet and dark etc. in nature I find beauty in just about everything, even the brutal necessities.
My Favorite Websites:

Most music except country and western and most top 40 music really shits me. Lol. I like trance in all it's forms but also hard rock and metal. Heehee anything that has energy and and high bpms. I especially like hard music that makes me feels rebelious and free form constraints of the world in rl that I live in. I sometimes love music that makes me feel like I want to break and smash things heehee. Music with screaming out of frustration and anger in it, I love. Heehee.
I quite geeky in my reading but will read just about anything. I have an Amazon Kindle and pretty much don't go anywhere without it. Also, just got an iPad for travel and picture type books.


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Friday, January 15, 2016 09:54 AM PSTReport Links  New!

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Monday, April 13, 2015 12:24 AM PSTReport Links  New!


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